It does not matter if you are not going to travel until next year; this is something you can start right NOW!
As you know, Covid has made life difficult for everyone, everywhere. Some countries worse than others. Mexico does not have an unemployment system, and lack of tourism here has greatly impacted our people. Thank God, many bighearted souls have sent down monetary donations, while others locally have spent time and money preparing meals and groceries throughout this pandemic for those who have been hit the worst. However, it will take a long time for many to get back on their feet. Health and food will come first; new clothes will simply need to wait.
This is where YOU come in!
Start a Repurpose for Zihuatanejo pile! Go through your closets. Surely there is something in those closets unworn for 2 years! Fold up those unwanted clothes and pack them neatly in your suitcase, ready for when you travel.
Folding is important! Folding the clothes to be donated not only takes up much less space, it´s much nicer to be at the recieving end of folded clothes vs bunched-up wrinkled ones…
Note: Although mittens won’t be needed here, keep in mind that people DO get chilly up in the mountains; long pants, sweaters/sweatshirts do help!
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Mexican Customs frowns upon people bringing lots of clothing to donate. If you have been to Mexico before, you know that all suitcases will be scanned, and occasionally you might get picked to have your luggage contents checked. We certainly do not want you to lie about what you are bringing down, so it is best to stick to what is actually YOURS, and we can help you repurpose them when you get here!