(photo taken pre-Covid!)
Forget about Cinco de Mayo festivities, as that is not celebrated in the way you might think. What comes 5 days after that day is celebrated with style, chocolates, music and flowers. Yes, Mother’s Day is on the horizon… and the heat is on. And fortunately for us, the music is on as well. While there are no scheduled major events this month, there is still a lot to do here. Read on!
While the month of May is typically emptied out of our snowbird friends, this has been anything but a typical year. With Covid shots having been ministered to our northern friends as well as here within Mexico, tourism has picked up a bit as people feel safer about traveling. The Monday night “earlybird crowd” show from 6-10pm at El Canto de las Sirenas has always ended on the last Monday in April, but is not only extending that through May- a Thursday night jazz sessions from 6-10pm has been added!
Restaurants that would normally be at 5% are seeing their places filled with tourists. Of course, Covid restrictions are still in place and followed by all establishments (masks are required, seating at 50% capacity, etc.), but still- full at 50% capacity is quite a bit better than praying for just 1 table to be occupied.
Did you catch April’s Super Moon last month? If not, do not worry! Not only will there be another Super Moon this month- there will be a lunar eclipse!
While there are a few holidays during the month of May, none compare to Mother’s Day! Flowers will be everywhere; for those of us allergic to flowers, we are grateful for masks as we wander through town during the days before Mother’s Day. We will suggest places to shop and dine for that special day!
Also during May, we feel the heat more so than any other month, while we pray for the rains that should arrive in June to cool us off. Where do we go to cool off? Read on!
Celebrating Moms:
Mother’s Day is May 9th up North, and May 10th here in Mexico. Simply put- just take a week to celebrate! Whether you are celebrating for a woman in your family or a an adopted family member here in Mexico, here are some suggestions:
- Say it with Flowers: Basically, you can find a pretty floral arrangement on just about every street in Centro Zihuatanejo. Or look for something more unique at the Saturday “Ecotianguis” market- something embroidered with flowers, perhaps?
- Mom’s Got a Sweet Tooth: There are many bakeries all around town, but you may not want to miss Cuattro Casa de Cafe! There tiny cakes are so much fun, and their sweet rolls will bring you back for more! Facebook page: Cuattro Casa de Cafe We also can’t say enough about the cinnamon rolls from Rol Coqueto, run by Carmelita’s daughter Carmen. Facebook page: Rol Coqueto.
- Mom’s a Foodie: so many restaurants, so little time! You will definitely want to make a reservation for Mother’s Day, whether you celebrate on the 9th or the 10th… but why not do BOTH?! We will be happy to help make reservations at the restaurant of your choice- even if it is not listed below!
- Carmelita’s Cafe: Breakfast done the traditional Mexican way. Best way to start the day!
- Cuattro Casa de Cafe: Start her day with her favorite coffee drink – Cappuccino? Iced? Whatever it is, she will love it, and the special place of breakfast that will follow!
- La Vita e Bella (Sabrina’s): What mom doesn’t love pasta? Sabrina brings the flavors of northern Italy to Ixtapa, as well as her magnetic personality. You cannot not love her and her food! Live music for Mom from 7:30pm – 9:30pm.
- El Galeón: Our long time favorite for tuna steaks and just about anything else on the menu, in the lovely Marina Ixtapa!
- KauKan: Does she prefer the most spectacular view to go with an equally delicious dinner? You can find good views in Ixtapa, but none will match this view AND the meal!
- Simplicio’s Steakhouse: You don’t want to leave Ixtapa? No worries! New to the scene, this steakhouse has gotten rave reviews- and we are fans!
- El Mediterraneo: While they are closed on Mondays, you can still take Mom for her special dinner on Sunday here!
- Garrobo’s: Our traditional favorite for seafood! They will have a special menu, and you can enjoy the music of Jose Luis Cobo from 3:00pm – 5:00pm
- La Lonja Steak Station: Our favorite spot for steaks and good Mexican wine… and the best octopus appetizer on the planet!
- El Arrayan: An open barbeque grill, a creative menu, seating in a nook under a tree that flowers at night- what’s not to love?
- Mom Wants to Wear Her Present: You will find beautiful artistic jewelry as well as lovely artistic blouses in Ixtapa as well as Zihuatanejo. KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: Sadly, many places sell embroidered blouses from China and India. We prefer to buy local, and we hope you do as well. In Ixtapa, Taco and family have been shopping at sister stores Mic-Mac and La Fuente for many years. Recently, Taco discovered a new shop in Zihuatanejo Centro: Flamingos Casa Artesanal on Ejido #7, a few doors away from the Centro de la Cultura. And don’t forget locally made products at the Saturday “Ecotianguis” market!
- Catch a Sunset: Every woman loves to relax, and the majority love a good sunset. Why not take her on the Magical Sunset Cruise on the Picante Catamaran? Ask us for details!
Getting Out of the Heat: May will be a hot one. The major grocery chains will be crowded with leisure shoppers wishing to escape the heat. The beach always sounds like a great option- until you find the water temperature to be more like taking a bath. So where do we go to get out of the heat?
- Playa Larga or Playa Blanca: Like Ixtapa, both are open ocean with big waves. While not suitable for swimming, they always have a good, welcoming breeze, with many restaurants to choose from! We especially like Hotel Portofino in Playa Blanca.
- Picante Sail & Snorkel: As they rarely go out more than one time per week for this day cruise, take advantage of it! Grab a spot in the shade and enjoy the breeze! Contact us for reservations!
- Cuattro Casa de Cafe: What can we say; they have air conditioning! They have amazing salads to refresh you; try one of their frozen coffee drinks (or Taco’s favorite: Chai Frappe!). Spilt a burrito and save room for one of their amazing desserts…
Check Out That Moon: Plan your evening and early morning to see these spectacular events! You will have to get up early in the morning with a view to the west for the eclipse, which will begin around 4:44am, maximum eclipse at 6:18am. The moon will set at 7:05am here, so catch what you can early! That same evening, the Super Flower Moon (May’s full moon is so called due to May flowers blooming) will rise around 8:40pm.
Ongoing Events:
Saturday Eco-Tianguis: This is always a great place to check out! While our local tianguis (market day) is not as big as those in bigger towns and cities, it is still OURS! Everything you find there was made locally, from food to souvenirs.
Pickleball: As it is not a contact sport, it is easily played safely. Contact: Emanuel Pickleball Pickleball Mexico Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo
- Ixtapa: BY RESERVATION ONLY! Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 4:00pm-6:00pm in Parque de los Amates
- Zihuatanejo: Mondays through Saturdays 8:30am-11:30am Infonavit La Noria
Fútbol-Soccer: Contact us (see contact info below) to hook you up with a local game, or your youngster up with a day/days/week of training!
Music: Music is a big part of our culture, from strolling musicians to scheduled performances in restaurants. Keep in mind that all places must respect the protocols; things may change at a moment’s notice due to Covid regulations and ALL places have limited seating. We suggest contacting the establishment to confirm hours and make reservations (or ask us to help!).
Listed below are our favorite local musicians, and where they will be playing, from the more famous Jose Luis Cobo, Juanito and Jossy Gallegos to the up-and-coming local artist Alma Valdovinos!
Where to find Jose Luis Cobo:
- Mondays: Canto de las Sirenas 6:00pm – 10:00pm with Músicos en Fuga, and whoever else happens to join them! Always a wonderful time! (**Bring extra pesos, they will be serving delicious tacos from Chendo’s!!)
- Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays: Chendos restaurant 6:00pm – 8:30pm
- Thursday through Saturday: Canto de las Sirenas 8:00pm – 2:00am
Where to find Juanito Zihua:
- Mondays & Fridays: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Casanovas
- Thursdays & Saturdays: Bistro Soleiado restaurant in Ixtapa 8:00pm – 10:00pm
- Thursdays: Pozoleria Santa Prisca 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Where to find Jossy Gallegos:
- Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays: Bistro Soleiado restaurant in Ixtapa 8:00pm – 10:00pm
- Wednesday, May 5th only: Brisas en las Rocas restaurant in Troncones 7:00pm – 9:00pm
- Saturdays: Thompson hotel, Playa la Ropa 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Where to find Alma Valdovinos:
- Fridays: Thompson Hotel on Playa La Ropa 6:30pm – 8:30pm
All That Jazz: Thursday night Jazz & Blues Sessions at Canto de las Sirenas from 6:00pm-10:00pm, headed by local favorite Carlos Uribe. It’s a jam session, so pop in for a spell to see who’s in town!
- Tuesdays: Classical jazz with vocalist/violinist Gemma DeRagon
- Wednesdays & Fridays: Fridays: Jon Oliver and friends, música gitana (gypsy music)
- Thursdays: Adolfo on guitar
- Sundays: Leonel Morales, Roberto & friends
- Fridays & Saturdays 10:00pm-1:00am
May we also suggest… Strolling duos in Zihuatanejo! You will find them nightly offering their services at restaurants such as Garrobo’s, Mediterraneo, El Chuleto and Angustina.
For more information, contact us directly: taco@zancatravelers.com Phone/WhatsApp/text: +527551318913