Mary, Did You Know? Las Posadas: How Are They Celebrated in Zihuatanejo?

From December 16-24, Las Posadas is a December tradition celebrated all over Latin America. A “posada” directly translated is a lodging. “Las Posadas” refers to the lodgings that Joseph and Mary were looking for in Bethlehem. A Mexican tradition since the 16th century, some areas in Mexico still celebrate the old traditions of choosing a Mary and Joseph with a donkey, roaming the streets, carrying candles, looking for lodging. Traditional Posada songs are sung by the travelers as they knock on doors, and answered in song “there is no room here” by those within. People come out with their candles to join behind Mary and Joseph as the search continues until they get a favorable response in song; doors swing open wide and the parade of people are let in to the “lodging”, or in this case, a fiesta with great joy (and at least one piñata!).

But what about Zihuatanejo?

The tradition of posadas in Zihuatanejo has dwindled over the years; what is now referred to as a “posada” is actually just the last part of the traditional posada: the fiesta. Every place of work has a posada for their employees; some hotels and restaurants even host a posada to include their guests. While most posadas are in a large area that can accommodate piñatas;  others have adopted the tradition of a gift exchange. It is now a blend of cultures and a loss of tradition.

But wait! Some traditions really do return!  10 years ago, the neighborhood “Colonia La Madera” decided to take back their tradition.  Inviting everyone from the neighborhood as well as tourists to attend, they gave out candles, the traditional songs to sing and the local children put on the While no donkey was in attendance, local children were designated as “Maria & Jose”, and a “pastorela” performance by local children as well.  And yes- there were piñatas!  Although a few other non-traditional items were thrown in, the below video shows the spirit of the old traditions were front and center.  

While 2020 changed the course of tourism as well as public fiestas- we are certain that Colonia La Madera will bounce back in 2021 with another awesome posada for all, and we look forward to it with hope!

VIDEO LINK: Posada in Colonia La Madera, 2013

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