April: Holidays & Important Observances in Mexico

This month, we Spring Forward, we celebrate Holy Week, the Earth and children. While indeed Church is separate from State, traditions run deep here in Mexico and Semana Santa (Holy Week) is a big deal. Some offices close for Semana Santa, so if you are looking to do business anywhere- best to check in advance to see if that office will even be open- and if so, will the person you are doing business with even be there.

01 April Jueves Santo – Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are both statuary holidays in México.

02 April Viernes Santo – Good Friday is the most observed day of Holy Week in Mexico. In many areas of the country, reenactments of the crucifixion of Christ can be found. While none are allowed this year during Times of Covid, under normal circumstances the closest reenactment would be 2 hours away in Uruapan.

04 April Domingo de Gloria – Sunday of Glory/Easter You will not find the Easter Bunny, Chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs, Easter Egg Hunts, hidden Easter baskets, Easter Sunday brunch or lamb cakes here in México (with the exception of any ex-pats who choose to do their own traditions). But you CAN find Easter sunrise services that are often followed by a communal breakfast, depending on the church (and of course- whatever the Covid rules allow).

03 April Time Change to Daylight Savings Tonight! -México only began Daylight Savings in 1996. While the USA and Canada have been observing Daylight Savings at an earlier date since 2007, most of Mexico and the rest of the world are still on the original time change calendar.

22 April Día de la Tierra – Earth Day Take a leisurely stroll down along the bay on the Paseo del Pescador between Playa Principal and Playa Madera, and you will see hand-painted signs along the way; each of those signs are asking the observer to be more observant of our planet. These were projects done by local secondary and prepa/high school students in observance of Earth Day. As this 2020-2021 school year has been done strictly online, there won’t be any new paintings- but don’t let that stop you from seeing the beautiful work done by children who are the future of Zihuatanejo!

30 April Día del Niño – México loves children, so it is only fitting that they have their own special holiday. How special is it to have a day off of school simply because you are a kid! The holiday is supposed to be a reminder of the vulnerability of our children, although it will seem to the outside world to be more like Christmas, with toys for sale on every corner. Many businesses donate toys, and toy drives can be found all over.

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