At sunset on December 21, 2020, many of us around the world were excited to see the Christmas Star arise brightly in the sky: the bright “star” that was actually the planets Jupiter and Saturn aligning perfectly to appear as one bright star. It was a magical night- especially on the beach of Ixtapa as well as our seats at Tanta Vida- where 4 beautiful souls gifted us with their voices as they sang Christmas carols. The guests were Mexican vocal artists Juan del Bosco, Karla Fonesca Villanueva, Montserrat Muzquiz, Juan Marcos Martinez Mijares and pianist Andre Sierra. We are grateful to the brothers Antonio and Felipe Meneses of Tanta Vida and Angustina for organizing this spectacular event, as well as for the invitation to witness it!
I don’t profess to be a great photographer, let alone videographer (as the video plainly shows). But I do enjoy being able to share with others what we have here, even if the video is not exactly professionally done.
The Christmas Star and Concert: December 21, 2020