It has been a very active rainly season so far this year. Lots of rain from passing tropical storms, although we thank God that none of those storms have passed close enough to do any real damage. The best part is that everything is brilliantly green!
Speaking of active and colors… Covid has been active in our state as well, and our state’s Covid Stoplight went from Green to Orange at the end of July. We are hopeful that it will change to at least Yellow soon.
What does an Orange Stoplight mean again? Under the Orange Stoplight, all beaches are closed from 6:00am to 7:00pm, stores close at 8pm, bars and restaurants must be closed by 11:00pm. All non-open-air bars and gyms must close. Masks are once more mandatory everywhere.
Sadly, with the return to Orange light, a few August local events have been canceled. However, we still have one major event that will continue: The Zanca Open Freediving event is still on schedule to be at the Olympic pool in Zihuatanejo this month!
We are hopeful that the school year will look a bit more normal for students in public schools. While there were in-person graduations last month and the plan is to open schools back up this month, we shall see. We are hopeful!
Special Events:
- August 13-15: Zanca Open Freediving; event details: website
- August 14: Wine Pairing at El Viejo en el Capricho del Rey
Ongoing Events:
Saturday Eco-Tianguis: This is always a great place to check out! While our local tianguis (market day) is not as big as those in bigger towns and cities, it is still OURS! Everything you find there was made locally, from food to souvenirs. IMPORTANT: Check their Facebook page before heading there, as summer locations may vary due to weather! Facebook page: Eco-Tianguis
Mercado de Emprendedores: This is a very special weekend market of young entrepreneurs learning a craft and selling their wares. From food (mostly sweet) to artisanal wear and everything in between, stop by to check it out and support local up-and-coming artisans and bakers! Fridays and Saturdays from 6:00pm – 9:00pm; across from the Captain’s Daughter. Facebook page: Mercado de Emprendedores
Pickleball: Beginners to pros; all have fun! Contact: Emanuel Pickleball Pickleball Mexico Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo
- Ixtapa: BY RESERVATION ONLY! Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 4:00pm-6:00pm in Parque de los Amates
- Zihuatanejo: Mondays through Saturdays 8:30am-11:30am Infonavit La Noria
Fútbol-Soccer: Contact us (see our contact info below) to hook you up with a local game, or your youngster up with a day/days/week of training!
Music: Music is a big part of our culture, from strolling musicians to scheduled performances in restaurants. Keep in mind that all places must respect the protocols; things may change at a moment’s notice due to Covid regulations and ALL places have limited seating. We suggest contacting the establishment to confirm hours and make reservations (or ask us to help!). Listed below are our favorite local musicians, and where they will be playing, from the more famous Jose Luis Cobo, Juanito, Carlos Uribe, Jossy Gallegos to the up-and-coming Alma Valdovinos!
Where to find Jose Luis Cobo *** TENTATIVE schedule; he will not be playing until AFTER August 15, 2021 ***
- Thursdays: Jazz night at El Canto de las Sirenas 7:00pm – 10:00pm
- Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays: Chendos restaurant 6:00pm – 8:30pm
- Friday & Saturday: El Canto de las Sirenas 7:00pm – (10:00pm, under Orange Light; 2:00am under Green Light)
Where to find Juanito Zihua:
- Mondays & Fridays: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Casanovas in Colonia La Madera Zihuatanejo
- Wednesdays: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Magenta Arte Mexico/ Restaurante Chula Vida in Playa Blanca
- Thursdays: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Pozoleria Santa Prisca in Zihuatanejo
- Friday mornings: La Tejita on La Madera beach, Zihuatanejo
- Saturdays: 8:00pm – 10:00pm Bistro Soleiado restaurant in Ixtapa
- *** Juanito also gives back to the community; he gives free guitar lessons to children during the day on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays!!
Where to find Carlos Uribe:
- Tuesdays: Solarium Restaurant in Pacifica Ixtapa 8:00pm – 10:00pm (reservation required; call 755 555 2500, or Srta. Albina 755 104 9155)
- Wednesdays: Ceiba Restaurant in Pacifica Ixtapa 8:00pm – 10:00pm (reservation required; call 755 555 2500, or Srta. Albina 755 104 9155)
- Thursdays: El Canto de las Sirenas 7:00pm – 10:00pm
- Fridays: Facebook Live Happy Home Concert 6:30pm – 7:30pm (see Carlos Uribe Facebook page for link)
- Fridays: Solarium Restaurant in Pacifica Ixtapa 8:00pm – 10:00pm (reservation required; call 755 555 2500, or Srta. Albina 755 104 9155)
- Saturdays: Ceiba Restaurant in Pacifica Ixtapa 8:00pm – 10:00pm (reservation required; call 755 555 2500, or Srta. Albina 755 104 9155)
Where to find Jossy Gallegos:
- Thursdays & Fridays: Bistro Soleiado restaurant in Ixtapa 8:00pm – 10:00pm
- Saturdays: Thompson hotel, Playa la Ropa 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Where to find Alma Valdovinos:
- Fridays: Thompson Hotel on Playa La Ropa 6:30pm – 8:30pm
All That Jazz: Thursday night Jazz & Blues Sessions at Canto de las Sirenas from 6:00pm-10:00pm, headed by local favorite Carlos Uribe. It’s a jam session, so pop in for a spell to see who’s in town!
- Salsa band, Fridays & Saturdays 10:00pm-1:00am (NOT DURING ORANGE LIGHT!)
May we also suggest… Strolling duos in Zihuatanejo! You will find them nightly offering their services at restaurants such as Garrobo’s, Mediterraneo, El Chuleto and Angustina.
For more information, contact us directly: Phone/WhatsApp/text: +527551318913