August 2021: Holidays and Important Observances in Mexico

As was in the month of July, we have another month of no holiday celebrations in August  But that is not a bad thing, as we are all gearing up for September celebrations- the most fun of the year (outside of Christmas fun, that is!)!!

However, August does have a lot of yearly events celebrating Mexican culture in other states. If you here and up for a road trip or are driving here in August, these would definitely be fun stops:

We know, we know… All of that is wonderful, but this is supposed to be about celebrations in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and environs, you are thinking. And we do have one thing to celebrate… The end of summer vacation and return to classes! We know that going back to school after summer fun with friends isn’t normally something students get excited about- but things have certainly not been anything NEAR normal since Covid hit the world. While most all kids North of the Border returned to in-person classes last year, all public school classes in Mexico remained online. Kids are jumping at the bit to get back to normal, and we pray for that to happen as well!   

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