We are GREEN!! No, it isn’t St. Patrick’s Day here, and we are hopeful for the day when we all go green ecologivally here. During the last week of May, the Covid Stoplight System changed to GREEN for the state of Guerrero! That means that businesses can operate to almost full capacity. What has not changed: Masks still required in public spaces, you are still not allowed to bring food or drinks to the beach. And of course, you still need to wash your hands!
As we get closer to the rainy season, dry brush continues to be burned and cloud the air. We pray the rain comes soon! Between that and the heat, it is best to get to a place where you are downwind. See further below for our suggestions.
Special June events rumored, but yet to be confirmed: The finale for Canta Zihua Canta, which was originally supposed to be in March, has yet to happen. As the election is the focus of the government, we are yet unsure if this rumor will be true. We will post here if that changes!
Jazz & Blues sessions on Thursdays at El Canto de Las Sirenas began last month with success, and they will continue as long as there is a demand. so, please start demanding!
Día de la Marina on June 1st is not celebrated with the fun of the past, and this is not the year for that tradition to return. BUT – check out the video at the bottom of this post for an idea of the old tradition from a few years ago!
Election Day on June 6 is an extremely important one for Mexico, as we will be voting on all elected offices with the exception of President. How will that effect tourism? Two words: Ley Seca. Dry Law always takes effect the day prior to elections and for the entire day of election. Bottom line: No alcohol will be for sale in any store, restaurant or bar during Ley Seca until after election day.
Gran Calentona 2021 Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, June 13: Fishing Tournaments have returned!! Now that we are in Semáforo Verde, that also means Green Light to go catch that prize-winning marlin, sailfish or mahi-mahi!
- Inscription fee: 7,000 pesos plus 1,000 pesos for the Pula (pool) = $8000
- Prizes for sailfish:
- 1st: Nissan March 2021
- 2nd: 60,000 pesos
- 3rd: 30,000 pesos
- Prize -winning Marlin: Pula money
- Prize-winning Mahi-Mahi: 10,000 pesos
AsTri Triathlon returns to Ixtapa on June 25-26! This is exciting for not just our local athletes of all ages, but for the entire Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo area. It isn’t about the international tourism it brings (although that is wonderful), it is the pride in hosting it. The very first triathlon held here was in 1989, and it has been quite a ride! See a promo video below. Here is the event schedule:
- Friday June 25, 2021:
- 11:00 – 11:30 hrs. Elite Swim Familiarization (Pacifica Beach)
- 11:15 – 14:00 hrs. Open Transition, free bike Mechanical Services
- 18:00-19:00 hrs. Elite Briefing & Race Packet Pick Up – Mandatory @ Barceló Ixtapa
- Saturday June 26, 2021
- 9:00 – 13:30 hrs. Athlete Lounge Open at Elite Transition Area
- 11:20 hrs. Elite Men Start (Pacifica Beach)
- 11:30 hrs. Elite Women Start (Pacifica Beach)
- 13:00 hrs. Elite Awards Ceremony @ Finish line
Celebrating Dads: Father’s Day is celebrated on the 3rd week of June here, same as Up North. While it isn’t anywhere near as big as Mother’s Day is here, there will be plenty of things to do with Dad:
- My Dad Prefers a Good Steak: You don’t want to leave Ixtapa? No worries! Simplicio’s Steakhouse has amazing cuts! In Zihuatanejo, La Lonja Steak Station is our favorite spot for steaks and good Mexican wine… and the best octopus appetizer on the planet!
- My Dad Just Wants a Burger: Yes, we are in Mexico, but there are good burgers to be found. Is Dad looking for a traditional thick, juicy burger? Take him to El Manglar or Cuattro Casa de Cafe. If Dad prefers his burgers thin- then local favorite Ruben’s Hamburgers in either Ixtapa or Zihuatanejo/La Madera is the place to go. If Dad likes greasier thin burgers best- head on down to Centro and stop at the hamburger cart! Locals and annual Snowbirds flock to the cart every year!
- My Dad Wants an Adventure: Take Dad deep sea fishing for the adventure of his life! Have even more fun on the Picante Catamaran’s Sail, Snorkel & Spinnaker Flying Adventure– emphasis on the spinnaker flying. Will Dad do it? Will you have to dare him? Either way, it will be loads of fun for all!
- My Dad Wants to Eat Nothing but Fish: El Galeón: Our long time favorite for tuna steaks and just about anything else on the menu, in the lovely Marina Ixtapa! Garrobo’s: Our traditional favorite for seafood! El Arrayan: Fish on an open barbeque grill might just be what the doctor ordered for Dad. Casanova’s: Another new kid on the block, with delicious seafood dishes!
- My Dad Prefers Gourmet Delights and an amazing view: La Gaviota: While there is no shortage of really good restaurants in Zihuatanejo, Chef Natalia takes family recipes to a whole new gourmet level. Take Dad for an early dinner, as they close early! KauKan: You can find good views in Ixtapa, but none will match this view AND the meal!
- My Dad Likes to Look Good: We prefer to buy local, and we hope you do as well. In Ixtapa’s shopping area, you will find many classy stores to choose from. Our favorites are sister stores Mic-Mac and La Fuente. In Zihuatanejo Centro, Zanca has found some awesome men’s shirts at Flamingos Casa Artesanal on Ejido #7, a few doors away from the Centro de la Cultura.
Getting Out of the Heat: May will be a hot one. The major grocery chains will be crowded with leisure shoppers wishing to escape the heat. The beach always sounds like a great option- until you find the water temperature to be more like taking a bath. So where do we go to get out of the heat?
- Playa Larga or Playa Blanca: Like Ixtapa, both are open ocean with big waves. While not suitable for swimming, they always have a good, welcoming breeze, with many restaurants to choose from! We especially like Hotel Portofino in Playa Blanca.
- Picante Sail & Snorkel: As they rarely go out more than one time per week for this day cruise, take advantage of it! Grab a spot in the shade and enjoy the breeze! Contact us for reservations!
- Cuattro Casa de Cafe: What can we say; they have air conditioning! They have amazing salads to refresh you; try one of their frozen coffee drinks (or Taco’s favorite: Chai Frappe!). Spilt a burrito and save room for one of their amazing desserts…
Ongoing Events:
Saturday Eco-Tianguis: This is always a great place to check out! While our local tianguis (market day) is not as big as those in bigger towns and cities, it is still OURS! Everything you find there was made locally, from food to souvenirs.
Pickleball: Beginners to pros; all have fun! Contact: Emanuel Pickleball Pickleball Mexico Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo
- Ixtapa: BY RESERVATION ONLY! Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 4:00pm-6:00pm in Parque de los Amates
- Zihuatanejo: Mondays through Saturdays 8:30am-11:30am Infonavit La Noria
Fútbol-Soccer: Contact us (see contact info below) to hook you up with a local game, or your youngster up with a day/days/week of training!
Music: Music is a big part of our culture, from strolling musicians to scheduled performances in restaurants. Keep in mind that all places must respect the protocols; things may change at a moment’s notice due to Covid regulations and ALL places have limited seating. We suggest contacting the establishment to confirm hours and make reservations (or ask us to help!). Listed below are our favorite local musicians, and where they will be playing, from the more famous Jose Luis Cobo, Juanito, Carlos Uribe, Jossy Gallegos to the up-and-coming local artist Alma Valdovinos!
Where to find Jose Luis Cobo:
- Thursdays: Jazz night at Canto de las Sirenas 7:00pm – 10:00pm
- Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays: Chendos restaurant 6:00pm – 8:30pm
- Thursday through Saturday: Canto de las Sirenas 8:00pm – 2:00am
Where to find Juanito Zihua:
- Mondays & Fridays: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Casanovas
- Thursdays: Pozoleria Santa Prisca 2:00pm – 4:00pm
- Saturdays: Bistro Soleiado restaurant in Ixtapa 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Where to find Carlos Uribe:
- Thursdays: Canto de las Sirenas 7:00pm – 10:00pm
- Fridays: Facebook Live Happy Home Concert 7:00pm – 7:45pm (see Carlos Uribe on Guitar Facebook page for link)
- Saturdays: Pacifica Ixtapa 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Where to find Jossy Gallegos:
- Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays: Bistro Soleiado restaurant in Ixtapa 8:00pm – 10:00pm
- Saturdays: Thompson hotel, Playa la Ropa 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Where to find Alma Valdovinos:
- Fridays: Thompson Hotel on Playa La Ropa 6:30pm – 8:30pm
All That Jazz: Thursday night Jazz & Blues Sessions at Canto de las Sirenas from 6:00pm-10:00pm, headed by local favorite Carlos Uribe. It’s a jam session, so pop in for a spell to see who’s in town!
- Thursdays through Sundays live music from 7-9pm, various artists
- Salsa band, Fridays & Saturdays 10:00pm-1:00am
May we also suggest… Strolling duos in Zihuatanejo! You will find them nightly offering their services at restaurants such as Garrobo’s, Mediterraneo, El Chuleto and Angustina.
For more information, contact us directly: taco@zancatravelers.com Phone/WhatsApp/text: +527551318913