June 2021: Holidays and Important Observances in Mexico

Compared to the busyness of May and its many celebrations, June is quite low-key, although not without its celebrations. While our state has finally made it to Semáforo Verde/Green Light and things looking closer to normal- Election Day is the first week of June, and the government focus will be more on that than scheduling events. Understandably so.

01 June- Dia de la Marina/Marine Day: Celebrates maritime workers as well as those lost at sea. On June 1, 1917, a Mexican merchant ship set sail from the port of Veracruz on the steamer Tabasco. It was the first time that the entire crew was all of Mexican birth, and under a Mexican captain. Until this date, the Mexican cargo ships had all forgeign captains and main crew. Dia de la Marina was established on June 1,1942 to honor that steamer Tabasco, as well as to honor the crews of the Mexican WW2 tankers Potrero del Llano and Faja de Oro- both of which were torpedoed by the Germans that previous month.

Traditionally, this is a big day here in Zihuatanejo. Naturally so, as we are a fishing village and therefore much of our income has always come from fishing! In years past, fishing and naval vessels have been decked out and paraded around the bay with not just mariners- but children as well- giving the little ones a taste of history as well as adventure.

06 June- Election Day: While this is not a presidential election year, it is still the biggest and most important, as we vote for all elected state and federal officials, including but not limited to state governor and our Presidente Municipal (Mayor). As with all elections, there will be a Ley Seca (Dry Law/no alcohol sales) which begins at midnight, June 5 and ends June 7.

08 June- World Ocean Day: With the Pacific Ocean at the edge of our towns, this should be a given. More attention and education on taking care of our bays has been given over the past decade, as witnessed in street murals and signs designed by secondary and prepa students. More recently, the city has added a focus on whales around the Paseo del Pescador.

20 June- Dia del Padre/Father’s Day: As Mexico is a matriarchal society, Mother’s Day is celebrated with fervor, but not so much Father’s Day. That being said, it is celebrated here as we DO honor our fathers!

26 June- Americas Triathlon Cup Ixtapa: While this isn’t exactly a holiday, hosting international triathlons is something we have been proud of for over 30 years- since 1989! The return of the triathlon here is definitely something to celebrate!

Similar signs will be in stares and restauranta to remind the public of the Ley Seca
Similar signs will be in stores and restaurants to remind the public of the Ley Seca due to Election Day.

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